In a groundbreaking move, Lionsgate has entered a partnership with AI startup Runway to develop a custom video generation model. This initiative aims to leverage Lionsgate's extensive catalog of film and television content, known for major franchi...
Oct 26 2024In a significant development for budget-conscious shoppers, popular e-commerce platforms Temu and Shein have suspended their operations in Vietnam....
Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon and one of the world's wealthiest individuals, has made significant investments in the artificial intelligence (A...
The UK's Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has officially cleared the partnership between Alphabet, Google's parent company, and the artifici...
Coca-Cola's recent release of an AI-generated Christmas advertisement has ignited a wave of criticism from social media users and creatives. The ad...
The rise of AI PCs is revolutionizing personal computing by integrating advanced artificial intelligence capabilities directly into hardware. These...
Lenovo Group has recently reported strong financial results for the second quarter of the 2024/25 fiscal year, showcasing significant revenue growt...
The European Union has launched a formal investigation into the Chinese e-commerce platform Temu, focusing on its handling of illegal product sales...
Shein's upcoming IPO, which could value the company at around $65 billion, is set to make waves both for the fast-fashion industry and the London S...
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